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Protect Your Pets

Protect Your Pets

Protecting your pets is essential not only for them, but also for your family.Ticks, fleas and heartworms are prevalent during summer. All dogs should be heartworm tested before starting preventive medication. Book your appointment …

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Acne Problems?

Wondering why your skin is breaking out?  During hot summer days, we sweat a lot. These sweat combined with dirt and pollution from our environment becomes the perfect combination to …

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Juvenile Arthritis

Juvenile Arthritis

Did you know that July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month? Juvenile arthritis is also known as pediatric rheumatic disease. It is an umbrella term to describe the inflammatory and rheumatic diseases …

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Did You Apply Sunscreen Today

Did You Apply Sunscreen Today?

Who should use sunscreen anyway? The answer is everyone including children. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends applying a minimal amount of sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to exposed areas such as an infant’s face and the back of the hand.