Why do we procrastinate? It’s a question we’ve all asked ourselves at one point or another. Whether it’s putting off writing that paper for school or avoiding going to the gym, we’ve all been guilty of putting things off. But why do we do it? And more importantly, how can we overcome it?
There are a number of reasons why we might procrastinate. For some of us, it might be perfectionism – we don’t want to start something unless we know we can do it perfectly. For others, it might be fear of failure – we’re afraid that if we start something, we won’t be able to finish it. Whatever the reason may be, there are a few things we can do to overcome our procrastination and get things done.
First, we need to identify the reason why we’re procrastinating. This will help us determine what strategies we need to use in order to move forward. Once we’ve identified why we’re procrastinating, it’s time to break down our task into manageable steps. By breaking down the task into smaller chunks, it becomes easier to tackle.
Second, we need to set realistic goals and timelines. Having a timeline will help us stay on track and motivate us to get things done. We should also strive to make our tasks as enjoyable as possible. By making the task less daunting and more fun, it becomes easier to do it without procrastinating.
Finally, we need to make sure that we’re taking care of ourselves. If we’re not getting enough sleep or if we’re feeling overwhelmed, it becomes much harder to stay on top of our tasks. We should also try to practice self-care and reward ourselves for completing tasks.
10 Tips for overcoming Procrastination
1. Figure out why you’re procrastinating.
As with anything else, the first step to overcoming procrastination is identifying the root cause of the problem. Once you know why you’re putting things off, you can start to develop a plan to overcome it.
2. Set small, achievable goals to overcome procrastination.
Trying to accomplish too much at once can be overwhelming, which will only lead to more procrastination. Instead, focus on setting small, achievable goals that you can complete within a reasonable timeframe.
3. Create a timeline or schedule to help prevent procrastinating.
Having a timeline or schedule for completing a task can help you stay on track and avoid getting overwhelmed. Be realistic when creating your timeline or schedule – if you’re not sure you can complete a task in the time frame you’ve set, adjust accordingly.
4. Break down tasks into smaller steps.
Sometimes, the reason we procrastinate is because a task seems too daunting when looked at as a whole. In these cases, try breaking the task down into smaller steps that you can complete one at a time. This will make the overall task seem less daunting and make it easier for you to get started.
5. Set a deadline for yourself – and stick to it!
One of the best ways to overcome procrastination is to set a deadline for yourself and then hold yourself accountable to meeting that deadline. If possible, try to find someone who will hold you accountable as well (a friend, family member, coworker, etc.).
6. Eliminate distractions to help prevent procrastinating.
When trying to accomplish something, eliminate any distractions that might prevent you from completing the task at hand (turn off your phone, close social media tabs, etc.). If possible, try working in an environment where there are minimal distractions (a quiet room or library).
7 . Get organized to help prevent procrastinating
Make sure you have everything you need before starting a task so that you don’t have to take breaks in between to look for things (this includes both physical items and information/resources). This will help you stay focused and on track while completing the task at hand .
8. Set aside time each day/week for specific tasks .
Dedicating specific blocks of time each day/week for certain tasks can help ensure that those tasks actually get done . It’s easy to push things off when they’re not given a specific time slot in your schedule , but if you know that Tuesdays from 3-5pm are dedicated solely to writing that paper , then chances are you’ll be more likely to get it done .
9. Start with an easier task .
If there are multiple tasks that need to be completed , start with the one that will be easiest or take less time so that you can get into the flow of working and avoid getting overwhelmed from starting with a more difficult task .
10. Just start !
Oftentimes , the hardest part of any task is simply getting started . Once you’ve taken that first step , it becomes much easier to continue moving forward until the task is complete .
If you’re struggling with procrastination , hopefully these tips will help ! Just remember : figure out why you’re procrastinating , set small achievable goals , create a timeline or schedule , break down tasks into smaller steps , set a deadline for yourself , eliminate distractions , get organized , set aside time each day/week for specific tasks , start with an easier task , and just start !
Resources: LifeHack