What is Lupron used for?
Leuprolide (Lupron) is used for treatment of uterine disorders. Leuprolide is usually given with iron to improve anemia related to treatment of fibroids. It can help reduce symptoms such as painful/heavy menstrual periods, pelvic pain, and abdominal bloating. Leuprolide shrinks the uterine tissue causing these symptoms. Leuprolide helps decrease estrogen production as the uterine tissue needs estrogen to grow and spread.
Lupron may be prescribed for uses other than listed in the approved professional labeling by your health care professional. Leuprolide may be used for early puberty in children or prostate cancer in men.

Lupron Information
How to Use Lupron?
Lupron is an injection administered by a health care professional. It is to be given as directed by your doctor, usually once per month. Over a 1-month period Lupron will slowly release the drug into your blood. For use at home learn preparation and usage directions from your health care professional. Wash hands and then mix medication. Clean injection site with rubbing alcohol before injecting and ensure you change it each time to lessen injury underneath skin. Each dose of Lupron should be injected within 2 hours of mixing. If more than 2 hours have elapsed throw the product out and mix a new dose. To get the most benefit use leuprolide regularly. In the first few weeks of Lupron treatment your hormone levels will rise before they fall, this is a regular response to this medication. For a few weeks your symptoms may worsen. Tell your doctor if your condition doesn’t get better or worsens. It could take 3 months for the symptoms to improve and for you to notice the full effects of Lupron.