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Chantix (Varenicline)

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    What is Chantix?

    Chantix is prescribed a smoking cessation medication. It is used in addition with counseling, education and support to help improve your chances of quitting smoking. Smoking for long periods of time can contribute to cancer and lung disease. When you quit smoking your health will improve and it will help you live longer. Your doctor will advise you on how to best quit smoking. It is not recommended for individuals under the age of 16 as the medicine will not have an effect to them.

    Chantix (Varenicline)

    Chantix (Varenicline) Information

    Chantix Dosage

    Always follow your doctor’s instructions to get the best results. Your treatment plan will vary depending on how you approach quitting and your doctor’s suggestions. You should have a set start and end date for when you are finished treatment.

    Chantix is taken after a meal with a full glass of water. You will begin with a lower dose and gradually increase it as your body grows accustomed to the medicine. This helps to prevent you from experiencing side effects. You are permitted to smoke during this time as long as you maintain your end date.

    Once you reach your end date, you should stop smoking but continue to take Chantix as directed. The usual dose is two tablets a day for 12 weeks. You may also opt to eschew an end date and simply stop smoking before the end of treatment.

    Do not take this more frequently than directed as it will not improve treatment and may increase your risk of experiencing side effects. Advise your doctor if you cannot quit after 12 weeks of treatment. They may recommend another course of treatment with Chantix or another method of quitting smoking.

    How Chantix Works

    Chantix works by blocking the effects of nicotine that causes the urge or cravings to smoke.

    Chantix Side Effects

    This is not a complete list of potential side effects of Chantix. You may experience side effects that are not listed here. Report side effects to your doctor or pharmacist. If you find them unmanageable, call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

    By prescribing Chantix, your doctor has determined that the benefits outweigh the potential adverse reactions. We also have a pharmacist that can provide counselling when you buy Chantix online.

    • severe stomach pain
    • cool, pale skin cough
    • diarrhea
    • body aches or pain
    • troubled breathing with exertion
    • nervousness
    • nightmares
    • fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse
    • trouble concentrating
    • fruit-like breath odor
    • excess air or gas in the stomach or bowels
    • muscle stiffness
    • hearing loss
    • tightness in the chest
    • nightmares
    • black, tarry stools
    • vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
    • sweating
    • cold sweats
    • mood changes
    • headache, severe and throbbing
    • slurred speech
    • increased volume of pale, dilute urine
    • change in taste
    • increased thirst
    • burning feeling in the chest or stomach
    • indigestion
    • Anxiety
    • difficulty seeing at night
    • dizziness
    • trouble sleeping

    Chantix Precautions and Warnings

    Always read and understand the medication guide provided with the product before you begin taking treatment. When you buy Chantix online from Your Canada Drug Store, we always send the products in the manufacturer’s packaging.

    Chantix may not be safe to take if you have a history of seizure, kindents disease, mood or mental disorders and heart disease. These medical conditions are risk factors for adverse reactions from the medication.

    While Chantix may reduce your urge to smoke, you may experience nicotine withdrawal during or after treatment. You should not use a nicotine patch during treatment. It may increase your risk of side effects.

    You may be more sensitive to alcohol during treatment. Be careful when drinking to avoid increased drunkenness, forgetfulness or unusual behavior.

    Advise your doctor if you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant. This may not be safe to take during pregnancy and may pass to breastmilk.

    Chantix Drug Interactions

    The following drugs are known to interact with Chantix. This is not an exhaustive list of all possible drug interactions. It is important to disclose all your current vitamins, supplements, OTC drugs, herbal products and anything including prescription medicines. You should also advise your doctor or dentist before surgery.

    Your doctor needs this information to prevent allergic reactions or adverse effects. They may have to determine if the interaction is worth the benefit of using both drugs.

    • trilaciclib
    • lamotrigine
    • nicotine intranasal
    • famotidine
    • nizatidine
    • ibuprofen/famotidine
    • nicotine inhaled
    • dichlorphenamide
    • dolutegravir
    • isavuconazonium sulfate
    • erdafitinib
    • dalfampridine
    • tafenoquine
    • cimetidine
    • vandetanib
    • ranolazine
    • tobramycin inhaled
    • ethanol

    Chantix Coupons

    Use coupon code CHXYCD2005 when ordering Chantix online to save $5 on your purchase.

    Chantix Generic

    The generic equivalent of Chantix is Varenicline. It is cheaper than the brand name product and is equally effective.

    Chantix (Varenicline) FAQs

    Can Chantix help you lose weight?

    It is not intended to help you lose weight. In fact individuals often gain weight (on average around 10 pounds) when they quit smoking.

    Can you take Chantix with adderall?

    While there are no known interactions between Chantix and Adderall, they may still affect how they work, You should provide a list of your current drugs to see if there are any interactions.

    Can you break Chantix in half?

    The manufacturer recommends against crushing, chewing or splitting the tablets. If you do not swallow them whole, they may not work as well as they should. It may prevent your body from absorbing the medicine properly.

    Does Chantix show up on a drug test?

    Chantix may cause a false positive on a drug test.

    Can you stop Chantix cold turkey?

    You can simply stop taking Chantix at the end of your treatment plan. You may experience withdrawal symptoms for 1-3 days. If your doctor recommended it you may taper off your dose.

    Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice provided by a certified medical professional. You require your doctor's approval prior to buying or using Prescription Drugs sold here. We do have a pharmacist on staff if your doctor is unavailable to provide medical advice when you buy Chantix online. Do not use the information here to ignore or contradict advice provided by a licensed medical professional. Always seek medical advice if you have any questions or concerns about this medication.

    Chantix (Varenicline) Coupon

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