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    What is Cantharone used for?

    Cantharone is used to remove common warts, molluscum contagiosum and periungal warts. Cantharone contains the active ingredient Cantharidin. Cantharidin is a vesicant that creates blisters that remove the wart from the bottom. It may also contain salicylic acid as well. Cantharone is a burn agent used in wart removal or plantar warts treatment.

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    Cantharone Information

    What is Cantharone?

    Cantharone is a high potency wart remover. It contains the active ingredient cantharidin 0.7%. There are currently no generics for Cantharone.

    How to use Cantharone?

    Cantharone is a liquid for topical (external) use only. Cantharone is applied using an applicator. It is applied directly onto the wart and the area (1 to 3 mm) around the wart. A few minutes after application, cover the area with a non-porous, plastic adhesive tape. The tape can be removed after 24 hours and replaced with an adhesive bandage.

    Cantharone must be used under the supervision of a physician who will determine the number of applications required for wart removal. Application is usually at 10 to 14 day intervals but in some cases one application may suffice.
    Treatment will vary depending on the type of wart being treated.

    Possible side effects of Cantharone?

    Cantharone is poisonous and may be fatal if ingested.

    Possible Drug Interactions with Cantharone?

    Cantharone is applied externally so there are no known drugs interactions.

    Cantharone cost in Canada

    Cantharone costs $145.99 in Canada. It's manufactured by Dormer. To buy Cantharone from Canada, please select Top brand option above and add it to cart.

    Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the medical advice provided by a certified medical professional. You require your doctor's approval prior to buying or using Prescription Drugs sold here. We do have a pharmacist on staff if your doctor is unavailable to provide medical advice when you buy Cantharone online. Do not use the information here to ignore or contradict advice provided by a licensed medical professional. Always seek medical advice if you have any questions or concerns about this medication.