Alzheimer’s Disease – Early Signs

Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative brain disorder that can cause confusion, memory loss, and difficulty in performing everyday tasks. Although it is not yet possible to diagnose  in its early stages, there are some warning signs that could help you identify the condition before it advances too far. Let’s take a look at what these early signs are.

Memory Loss and Confusion with Alzheimer’s

One of the most common early signs of Alzheimer’s is difficulty remembering recent events or conversations. This can manifest as forgetfulness or confusion, which can make it difficult to keep up with conversations or follow instructions. A person with early-stage Alzheimer’s may also repeat themselves often or become easily confused by simple tasks.

Changes in Behaviour due to Alzheimer’s

It can also cause changes in behaviour such as increased irritability, depression, and withdrawal from activities they once enjoyed. A person with early-stage Alzheimer’s may also display inappropriate behavior such as making rude comments or exhibiting outbursts of anger for no apparent reason. Other behavioral changes that may indicate an underlying medical condition include apathy, agitation, and wandering without purpose.

Difficulty Performing Everyday Tasks due to Alzheimer’s

As the disease progresses, people with early-stage Alzheimer’s may exhibit difficulty completing everyday tasks such as paying bills on time or managing their finances correctly. They may also struggle with more complex responsibilities like driving or using public transportation. People may start to forget how to do things they have done all their lives, like cooking a meal or handling personal hygiene routines like bathing or brushing teeth properly.


These are just some of the many signs that could indicate a person is developing Alzheimer’s disease in its earliest stages. Remember that if you suspect someone you know might be exhibiting any of these symptoms, it is important to seek professional medical advice right away in order for them to receive an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment promptly should it be necessary. Early diagnosis and treatment can help slow down the progression of the disease and give your loved one more quality years ahead of them!

Helpful Links :

Alzheimer’s foundation of America

Alzheimer Society of Canada 

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