All about Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that is vital for many of the body’s processes. Inadequate intake can have serious consequences, so it’s important to understand why you need this important vitamin, how much you should take, and the potential risks associated with it. Let’s take a closer look at vitamin D and all it has to offer.

Why You Need Vitamin D

It helps your body absorb calcium from food sources such as dairy products, green leafy vegetables, and fortified cereals. It also plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth. In addition, vitamin D may help prevent certain types of cancer and autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Adequate levels of vitamin D are especially important for pregnant women because it helps the baby develop strong bones and teeth.

Sources of Vitamin D

It can be found in fatty fish such as salmon and tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms that are exposed to sunlight, fortified milk and cereal, as well as some supplements. The best source of vitamin D is exposure to direct sunlight since UV radiation activates the production of vitamin D in the skin cells. However, too much exposure to the sun’s rays can increase your risk of skin cancer so limit your sun exposure when possible.

Dosage & Overdose

The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults aged 19-50 is 600 IU (international units). For adults over age 50 or pregnant women, the RDA increases to 800 IU per day. If you get too much  from food or supplements, it can cause an overdose which may lead to an increased risk of kidney stones or other health issues such as nausea or vomiting. To avoid overdosing on this important nutrient, stick with the recommended dosage unless instructed otherwise by your doctor or healthcare provider.


In summary, understanding how much vitamin D you need to stay healthy is essential for optimal health and well-being. While most people get enough through their diet or supplementation if needed, getting too much can be harmful so talk with your doctor before increasing your intake beyond what is recommended by experts in nutrition and health care professionals alike. With all this information under your belt now you will have no problem incorporating adequate amounts into your diet!

We carry a number of different Vitamin D supplements – Click here 

For more detail see information from Harvard School of Public Health